PredictionsMock2008 Presidential Rep Primary - NH ResultsPolls
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Source: LA Times (url)

CandidatePolitical PartyPollGraphPoll Details
Poll Date: 2007-12-26
Number Polled: 442
Margin of Error: 5%
Voter Type: Registered

Romney with double-digit lead in NH

 By: Miamiu1027 (D-NY) - 2007-12-27 @ 20:47:01

Question I realize that the first Republican presidential caucuses and primaries for the 2008 election are weeks away. But...

Q34. If the Republican [primary/caucus] for president were being held in your state today and the candidates were former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, California Congressman Duncan Hunter, Arizona Senator John McCain, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson, or Texas Representative Ron Paul for whom would you vote: Giuliani, Huckabee, Hunter, McCain, Romney, Thompson or Paul? (INCLUDES LEANERS)

--- New Hampshire --
Giuliani 14 17
Huckabee 9 12
Hunter 1 1
McCain 21 20
Paul 6 4
Romney 34 34
Thompson 4 4
D/Know 11 8

About this Poll The Times/Bloomberg Poll was conducted by telephone among adults with landline telephone numbers, and numbers ported to cell phones, in the states of Iowa and New Hampshire. The survey began December 20th through the 23rd , was on hiatus over the 24th and 25th, and resumed on the 26th. Multiple attempts were made to contact each number over the entire survey period.

The Poll interviewed 1,459 adults in the state of New Hampshire via telephone in a random sample of landline phone numbers which includes numbers ported to cell phones, statewide. Included are 1,279 registered voters (+/-3) 519 Democratic primary voters (+/-4), 361 likely Democratic primary voters, 442 Republican primary voters (+/-5), and 318 Republican likely voters (+/-6). New Hampshire primary voters and likely voters were also screened for their intention to vote, intensity of commitment, and past voting history.

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