PredictionsMock2016 Presidential Election Polls - IL ResultsPolls
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Source: Public Policy Polling (url)

CandidatePolitical PartyPollGraphPoll Details
DClintonDemocratic50%piePoll Date: 2015-07-29
RRep CandRepublican37%Number Polled: 931
IMcMullinIndependent0%Margin of Error: 3%
-Other-0%Voter Type: Registered

Clinton leads Republicans by wide margins in IL

 By: IndyRep (R-MT) on 2015-07-29 @ 09:51:49


Average Clinton-Bush/Clinton-Walker/Clinton-Trump is included.

Q23: If the candidates for President next time were Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Jeb Bush, who would you vote for?
Hillary Clinton...........48%
Jeb Bush..................39%
Not sure..................13%

Q24: If the candidates for President next time were Democrat Bernie Sanders and Republican Jeb
Bush, who would you vote for?
Bernie Sanders...........42%
Jeb Bush.................37%
Not sure.................21%

Q25: If the candidates for President next time were Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Ben Carson, who would you vote for?
Hillary Clinton..........49%
Ben Carson...............37%
Not sure.................14%

Q26:If the candidates for President next time were Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Chris Christie, who would you vote for?
Hillary Clinton..........49%
Chris Christie...........35%
Not sure.................16%

Q27: If the candidates for President next time were Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Ted Cruz, who would you vote for?
Hillary Clinton..........51%
Ted Cruz.................35%
Not sure.................14%

Q28: If the candidates for President next time were Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Carly Fiorina, who would you vote for?
Hillary Clinton..........49%
Carly Fiorina............34%
Not sure.................17%

Q29: If the candidates for President next time were Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Mike Huckabee, who would you vote for?
Hillary Clinton.........51%
Mike Huckabee...........35%
Not sure................15%

Q30: If the candidates for President next time were Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Rand Paul, who would you vote for?
Hillary Clinton........47%
Rand Paul..............37%
Not sure...............16%

Q31: If the candidates for President next time were Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican
Marco Rubio, who would you vote for?
Hillary Clinton.........49%
Marco Rubio.............37%
Not sure................14%

Q32: If the candidates for President next time were Democrat Bernie Sanders and Republican
Marco Rubio, who would you vote for?
Bernie Sanders.........40%
Marco Rubio............34%
Not sure...............26%

Q33: If the candidates for President next time were Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican
Donald Trump, who would you vote for?
Hillary Clinton........51%
Donald Trump...........33%
Not sure...............16%

Q34: If the candidates for President next time were Democrat Bernie Sanders and Republican
Donald Trump, who would you vote for?
Bernie Sanders.........48%
Donald Trump...........32%
Not sure...............19%

Q35: If the candidates for President next time were Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Scott Walker, who would you vote for?
Hillary Clinton........50%
Scott Walker...........39%
Not sure...............12%

Q36: If the candidates for President next time were Democrat Bernie Sanders and Republican
Scott Walker, who would you vote for?
Bernie Sanders.........40%
Scott Walker...........36%
Not sure...............24%

About this Poll

Public Policy Polling surveyed 931 registered voters on July 20th and 21st. The margin of error for the survey is +/-3.2%. 80% of participants responded via the phone, while 20% of respondents who did not have landlines
conducted the survey over the internet.

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