Franklin Roosevelt

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Franklin Delano Roosevelt (A/K/A FDR) was the 32nd president of the United States.

Early Life

Franklin Roosevelt was born in 1882 in Hyde Park, New York. He went to Grodon's Private school than Harvard and Columbia University. He married Elanor Roosevelt soon after his graduation in 1905. He spent his first few years out of collge as a lawyer.

Beginning of his political career

Roosevelt was elected to the New York Senate as a Democrat in 1910, despite his district being strongly republican. Seeing talent in Roosevelt, President Woodrow Wilson appointed him Assistant Secretary to The Navy. He was known for his hard work in this position and his ability to put faith in The Navy men and women. In 1920, he was nominated to be the vice-presidential candidate for the Democratic ticket. Despite the loss, this nomination would help boost his political career to a new level.

The Disaster

In 1921, Roosevelt was diagnosed with Polio. He was told he would never walk again, but Roosevelt wouldn't take "no" for an answer. He would spend the next three years trying everything he could to get rid of it. But by this time, he had taken it as an inevitability.

His Return To Politics

Roosevelt wasn't going to let Polio stop his political career. He would give a great speech at the 1924 Democratic Convention, where he would throw his support behind "The Happy Warrior" as he called him, Alfred. E. Smith. Four years later, in 1928, Franklin Roosevelt would be elected Governor of New York. His astounding work as Governor got him nominated to the top of The 1932 Democratic presidential ticket. Roosevelt would defeat his opponent, Herbert Hoover, winning 57.4% of the popular vote and 472 electoral votes. Now he had a bigger problem: The American economy.

First Term

Second Term

Third Term

Fourth Term

