2004 U.S. General Election

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The U.S. election of 2004 was held on November 2 of that year.

U.S. President

Results -- blue represents Bush states, red represents Kerry states.

Republican incumbent George W. Bush defeated Democratic Senator John Kerry 286 to 251 in the Electoral College, and 62,040,610 to 59,028,111 in the Popular Vote.

Percentages and detailed election results available on the Atlas 2004 Summary Page

U.S. House

Party Total Seats (change) Seat percentage
Democratic Party 202 -2 46.44%
Independents 1 +0 0.23%
Republican Party 232 +3 53.33%
Totals 435 +0 100.0%

U.S. Senate

Results -- light blue represents Republican holds, dark blue Republican pickups, pink Democratic holds, red Democratic pickups.

Republicans picked up 5 open seats in the South, and defeated one Democratic incumbent -- Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota.

Democrats, meanwhile, took open seats from the Republicans in Colorado and Illinois.

The net result was a four seat pickup for the GOP, giving them a more formidable majority. However, they fell 5 seats short of the 60 votes needed to end a filibuster.


Incumbent Party Votes
Richard Shelby Republican 1,242,200
Wayne Sowell Democratic 595,018
Write-in 1,848


Incumbent Party Votes
Lisa Murkowski Republican 149,773
Tony Knowles Democratic 140,424
Other 18,118


Incumbent Party Votes
John McCain Republican 1,505,372
Staurt Starkey Democratic 404,507
Ernest Hancock Libertarian 51,798


Incumbent Party Percentage
Blanche Lincoln Democratic 55.9%
Jim Holt Republican 44.1%


Incumbent Party Percentage
Barbara Boxer Democratic 58.3%
William Jones Republican 38.1%
Others - 3.6%


Incumbent Party Percentage
Ken Salazar Democratic 51%
Pete Coors Republican 47%
Others - 2%