PredictionsMock2008 Presidential Election Polls - WA ResultsPolls
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Source: Survey USA (url)

CandidatePolitical PartyPollGraphPoll Details
RMcCainRepublican49%piePoll Date: 2008-01-13
DClintonDemocratic46%Number Polled: 527
-Other-0%Margin of Error: 4%
-Undecided-11%Voter Type: Registered

McCain +3 over Clinton in Washington

 By: Josh22 (R-NC) - 2008-01-14 @ 13:29:15

Question: If there were an election for President of the United States today, and the only two names on the ballot were Republican Rudy Giuliani and ... Democrat Hillary Clinton, who would you vote for?

38% Giuliani
51% Clinton
11% Undecided

What if it was Republican Mitt Romney against Hillary Clinton?

38% Romney
54% Clinton
8% Undecided

What if it was Republican Mike Huckabee against Hillary Clinton?

40% Huckabee
54% Clinton
7% Undecided

What if it was Republican John McCain against Hillary Clinton?

49% McCain
46% Clinton
6% Undecided

What if it was Rudy Giuliani against Democrat Barack Obama?

35% Giuliani
57% Obama
8% Undecided

What if it was Mitt Romney against Barack Obama?

32% Romney
63% Obama
5% Undecided

What if it was Mike Huckabee against Barack Obama?

35% Huckabee
60% Obama
5% Undecided

What if it was John McCain against Barack Obama?

43% McCain
52% Obama
5% Undecided

About this Poll
Asked of 527 registered voters
Data Collected: 01/11/2008 - 01/13/2008
Margin of Sampling Error for this question = ± 4.3%

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